
Crista has been an athlete ambassador for Right to Play since 2008, being an African and having experienced poverty throughout her life she knows the joys that sport can bring to children less fortunate than herself. Crista visited our Tanzanian project after she won Bronze in London 2012 and being able to speak to the children in their native tongue was a new experience for us all, she could get the real message of what Right to Play stands for, and embraced the joy and love of sport and play with all the children.

Why Right to Play? Well that is easy, how do you truly make a difference to people’s experience of life? You make them smile, and you bring “joy” into their world where there is so much hatred, violence and distress. By supporting Right to Play, children are educated through the notion of play with the deep underlying messages that enables them to make better decisions in volatile situations. “I love what they stand for, I love the work that they do worldwide.”